Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Bonhomme Song

Every class is learning the Bonhomme song for our French Carnaval and if you'd like to practice at home, here are the lyrics.

Carnaval De CCS

Tuesday, February 21st from 5:00pm to 8:00pm

We are having an Open House “Carnaval” to celebrate our school during Catholic School’s Week as well as to showcase our French program.  We invite all of you to attend but we also encourage you to invite family and friends so we can show them a few things that make our school
We invited you take a tour through each classroom as well as to participate in some of the fun, crafts and games that will be located there.  Come enjoy dinner or a snack in our Parish Center Bistro and CafĂ© or enjoy performances throughout the evening in the gym, with a 6:00pm bilingual performance by “THE” Charlotte Diamond.  Admission is by donation to the Food Bank and any money raised will go towards the Holy Childhood Association.

Carnaval is sure to be a wonderful evening for everyone but we need a few things to happen to make it a success.  Due to the popularity of Charlotte Diamond, we need to know how many people plan to attend her performance as we have limited room and will need to make certain decisions based on this number.  We also need to know how many people plan on attending the event so we can plan for food as well.  Volunteers will be needed to help clean up from 8:00 to 9:00pm.  We also need to borrow the following items if you have them available: Flags from Quebec or France, any Bonhomme related items you might have and any lamp posts that can be plugged in (or any other items you may feel will add to our ‘French-theme.’).

Please stay tuned for more information about this event but we hope you will all come out to meet BONHOMME and have a fun night celebrating our school.
Please fill out and return by Friday, January 13th.

FAMILY NAME: __________________________________________

o YES!  We plan on attending Carnaval.  We will bring __________ people.

o YES!  We plan on attending Charlotte Diamond.  We will bring __________ people.
  o YES!  We have the following items that can be borrowed:_____________________________________


o YES!  I can help clean up.

o NO-we are unable to attend.