The first Sunday of Advent is this Sunday. We are beginning to discus
the importance of preparing our hearts and minds for
Christmas. On Thursday, your child brought home an Advent Chain to help
count down the days so I would encourage you to help your child
take a chain off each day and follow the message inside. We often
become very busy thinking about decorating, shopping and
would be wonderful to take time thinking about the true reason for the
season and spending our time in prayer and finding ways to give gifts to
Jesus...both in our words and in actions.
No Sunday Gospel - sorry, I forgot to send it home this weekend.
Three Way Conferences
It was great to be able to meet with each of you and discuss goals to support your child!
Christmas Concert
Students may wear white or light-coloured clothing for that day-no wings please! We will be making their halos in class.
Tuesday, Dec 3rd
Show and Tell - December theme is
Family fun (special family trips, activities, games, traditions etc.)Your child may bring in a picture or a brochure from a special trip or favourite game.
Thursday, Dec 5th
Kindergarten Hearing and Sight Screening by Public Health.
Letter of the Week: Ll
Please help your child collect any words or pictures that start with Ll-keep them in a small ziplock and put in their blue folder.
Friday, Dec 6th
Join us for 9:00am Food Bank Mass and at 2:30pm for our Advent assembly in the gym
Some parents were asking about websites to help their child learn about phonics.
Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics
Tumblebooks - Animated Stories
This week, I introduced colour and shape patterns. If you would like to practice at home, here are some ideas: