Friday, 29 November 2013

December already?

The first Sunday of Advent is this Sunday.  We are beginning to discus the importance of preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas. On Thursday, your child brought home an Advent Chain to help count down the days so I would encourage you to help your child take a chain off each day and follow the message inside.  We often become very busy thinking about decorating, shopping and would be wonderful to take time thinking about the true reason for the season and spending our time in prayer and finding ways to give gifts to Jesus...both in our words and in actions.

No Sunday Gospel - sorry, I forgot to send it home this weekend.

Three Way Conferences
It was great to be able to meet with each of you and discuss goals to support your child!

Christmas Concert
Students may wear white or light-coloured clothing for that day-no wings please! We will be making their halos in class.

Tuesday, Dec 3rd
Show and Tell - December theme is
Family fun (special family trips, activities, games, traditions etc.)Your child may bring in a picture or a brochure from a special trip or favourite game.

Thursday, Dec 5th
Kindergarten Hearing and Sight Screening by Public Health.

Letter of the Week: Ll

Please help your child collect any words or pictures that start with Ll-keep them in a small ziplock and put in their blue folder.

Friday, Dec 6th
Join us for 9:00am Food Bank Mass and at 2:30pm for our Advent assembly in the gym 

Some parents were asking about websites to help their child learn about phonics.

Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics
Tumblebooks - Animated Stories

This week, I introduced colour and shape patterns. If you would like to practice at home, here are some ideas:



Monday, 25 November 2013

Popcorn Sale this Wednesday

This Wednesday is Popcorn Day so if you would like your child to have popcorn, please send in $0.50/per bag by Wednesday morning.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Christmas Concert "The Legend of the Christmas King"

Christmas Concert
As December approaches very quickly it is that time to get organized for the Christmas Concert. There will be 2 shows on December 17th at 1pm and 7pm.
*Students will be dismissed from the CLASSROOM AFTER the 1:00 performance and are asked to return for 6:30 in our classroom for the evening performance.  Please note that entry will be a food bank donation. 

Grade KO, KS and Grade 1: Angels- students need to be in all white.

Report Cards
Report cards were sent home on Friday as well as your time for Three Way Conferences.

Three Way Conferences
Our 3 way conferences begin after school on Thursday Nov 28th and all day November 29th (No School).  Students need to come to school with their uniform- please wait outside our classroom until your scheduled time. Our meeting will be 10 minutes. 

Parish Bazaar, Sat Nov. 30th 9-2pm
Hope to see everyone there - it is an annual parish event. It begins with breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus, a lunch hosted by CWL, games, bake table, charity tree, white elephant tables, craft table, CCS student craft sale, used book sale and performances from CCS bank and choir. The choir will be singing at the Craft Bazaar on November 30, 2013 at 11:00 AM. 

Donations to the Philippines
Thank you to all those who brought cash donations on Tuesday (non-uniform day) as well donations in clothes and other items for the Philippines.  We have boxes and boxes of clothes, shoes, blankets to donate - way to go CCS!

Letter of the Week:Kk
Please help your child collect any words or pictures that start with Kk  

Warm Coat, Hat & Gloves
Please ensure that your child has a warm coat, a hat/toque as well as gloves for recess time. Also a reminder to label all of their articles of clothing. 
Here is the fundraising link for our Mabel's Labels page

Friday, 22 November 2013

Volunteer Needed with Spreadsheet Experience

The school office is in need of a volunteer with experience in Excel. This task involves inputting information regarding an upcoming ski trip and would require the work to be completed during the month of December. For more information or to volunteer please contact the school office at 604-574-5151 or

Families are asked to bring in jars (with candy, stickers, or small toys) for the jar game at the Parish Bazaar. Please have students bring them to the classrooms by next Thursday, November 28.

Family Gym Time
At the parish auditorium on Sun, Dec 8th from 1-3pm. Come and spend some quality fun time with your children and other families from the parish.

Parish Christmas Potluck Dinner
The Knights of Columbus invites all parishioners to come to a potluck supper on Sun, Dec 15th at 5pm. Bring a dish to share. After dinner there will be a Christmas Sing-a-long and presentation of the Christmas story. Bring your singing voice (or just come to listen) and get yourself in the Christmas spirit. KofC cash bar will be available.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Our Lady of Guadalupe

You are invited to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of the Americas
Saturday, December 7, 2013

English/Spanish Mass 4:30 pm - Precious Blood Parish, Cloverdale 17475 59 Avenue, Surrey BC

Fun family reception to follow in the parish centre. Full Mexican dinner and dessert, music and piƱatas. 
Knights of Columbus cash bar.

Tickets available at the Precious Blood Parish Office. Call 604 574-4363 or email
Adults $15, Children (6-12 years) $10, $10 to reserve a table.'s cold!

Parents, please make sure your child has a warm coat, toque and or gloves - whatever they need to keep warm outside. As with all articles of clothing, please make sure each item is clearly labelled with their name.

Our Christmas concert will be held on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, December 17th and our students will be dressing up as angels (all white clothing).

Monday, 18 November 2013

Three Way Conference forms are due TOMORROW

Please send in your three way conference forms by tomorrow Nov 19th so that we can send a confirmation of your time by Friday. It was sent home last week with the oldest child.



Friday, 15 November 2013

50's Day on Monday and other reminders

Students are encouraged to dress up in 50's clothing (see blue sheet for ideas) as we are celebrating in the afternoon with different stations such as hula hoop contest, 50's crafts, limbo contest and lastly a sock hop with soda floats!

Last week, Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, the worst hit was the province of Leyte. Thousands are left homeless and loved ones are still missing. Until now, relief and aid are slow to trickle in.
On TUESDAY NOV 19, we will have Toonie Tuesday. Bring $2.00 and participate in non-uniform day.
   For every dollar we donate, the government will match it!

Hot lunch - Tim Horton's

Term 1 Report Cards are sent home

*Three Way Conference forms were sent home today with the oldest only.  Please fill the form out for your family and return to the school.

*No School on Friday, Nov 29th due to Three Way Conferences 

**Does anyone have a CD player that they are not using? I am looking for one to use in our classroom. Please let me know...

Have a great weekend!  

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Hot Lunch order with no name


There is one hot lunch order that has no name on it so the hot lunch committee can not process the order. The order was for 2 beef hot dogs and the total was $5.00. The payment was in cash. Please let me know asap if this is your child's order.



Monday, 11 November 2013

This week

Reminders for this week:

Letter of the Week is Ii-encourage your child to bring in any pictures or words that start with the letter Ii

Blankets-please wash your child's blanket and return to school on Tuesday

Hot lunch on Wednesday by Goode Eats 

Top Marks Fitting and Exchange on Wednesday from 145-245 at the Parish Centre

School Mass on Friday at 9am-please join us if you can!

Upcoming Events

1. Poinsettia Orders are due Monday, Nov 18th 
2. Both Kindergarten classes and Grade 1's are celebrating 50th day together on Monday, Nov 18th. Students are encourage to dress up in 50's attire.
3. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, Nov 22nd
4. Three way conferences: Thursday evening on Nov 28th and Friday (all day) Nov 29th. A notice will be coming home soon regarding setting up conference times.
5. Parish Bazaar & Poinsettia pick up on Saturday, Nov 30th from 9-2pm 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

We Remember

Last week ended with a fun All Saints Day Party with all the primary students going from station to station, during the afternoon. Thanks to all the parents who helped their child get dressed as their favourite Holy Hero - it made the day more enjoyable as we watched all the different Saints walking around!

Also on Friday, Sister Mary Bethany's students presented a Saints Museum in which we heard from 8 students and some interesting facts about their Saint. For example, one student explained the history of St.Valentine and gave out a tattoo to each student.

 St. Valentine

Another student who shared how St. Marie Rose Durocher (from Quebec, Canada!) cured her Dad's illness. She was generous enough to give each student a prayer card!

Eulalie Durocher (painting).jpg

Reminders for this week
*Letter of the Week: Hh  Please send in any pictures of Hh words

*Poppies will be sold (by donation) at lunchtime- if you'd like your child to wear one at school, please put your donation in your child's blue folder

*Parish Bazaar Craft: Tuesday from 1-2pm, our class will be making their craft for our annual Parish Bazaar but we need parent volunteers in order to complete the craft. Volunteers can contact Lily Sebellin, student craft co-ordinator at   If you have your own glue gun, please bring it to our classroom Tuesday afternoon.

*Join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly on Wednesday @ 1:30 pm in the school gym

*If you have any 'Agape' candy and 'We Scare Hunger' food bank donations, please send them in as Thursday will be the last day

*Mon, Nov 18th: We will be celebrating the 50th day of school and students are asked to dressed in 50's clothes

*Friday is a Professional Day and Monday is Remembrance Day - enjoy the long weekend!