Friday, 20 December 2013

Snow Day

Happy snow day everyone! This week was filled with so much excitement and joy, beginning with the success of our Christmas concert - please congratulate your child on their very first performance! They all worked very hard to learn the words and actions- they sang beautifully and I am so proud of them!

For pajama day, many of them enjoyed hot chocolate and everyone enjoyed their bag of popcorn during the movie in the afternoon. Thank you to Mrs. Saharchuk for hosting all of the primary classes (KS, KO, 1, 2, 3) in her classroom for the viewing of Polar Express. By the way, Mrs. Saharchuk will be starting her maternity leave after the first week in January and we will be welcoming Mrs. Melissa Lemire into our CCS community.

Yesterday afternoon, our students participated in our Advent retreat which began outside in Mary's rose garden with a decade of the rosary. Afterwards, they rotated from classroom to classroom reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas and how they can prepare their hearts for Jesus' birth.

Candygrams were handed out at the end of the day and their Christmas crafts were sent home this week (edible Christmas tree, baby Jesus in manger, toy soldier from the Nutcracker) - unfortunately, their gift to you, parents, was going to be sent home today so you'll have to wait until January! Thank you to Gabriel for giving out Christmas pencils to every student and to Riley for sharing his Christmas treats with us.

I would like to wish each and every family a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year - it  has been a pleasure to teach your child and I can't wait until we begin again in January 2014! 

Friday, 13 December 2013

Third Week of Advent

Christmas Concert
For Monday and Tuesday, students will wear their school uniforms to school. There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday afternoon so please make sure to send your child's clearly labelled white/light-coloured angel clothes in a plastic bag (leave in their backpack.) They will change after lunch.

For the evening performance on Tuesday, students are asked to return to the Bushey Room (in the Parish Centre) by 6:30pm wearing their white/light-coloured clothes. After the concert, parents can pick up their child from the same room. 

Admission to the concert is a non-perishable food donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which assists families in need. Also, there will be beverages and baked goods for sale to support our Outdoor Education and Learning Assistance programs. 

Final Uniform Clearance
Before our afternoon and evening Christmas Concerts this year we will be holding our final clearance sale of Unimax uniform pieces. Arrangements have already been made to send all unsold pieces to missions overseas. This will be your last chance to get uniform pieces at amazing discounts!

Changes to the Hot Lunch Program
Please note that a new Hot Lunch program will begin in January.  Please read the information (if you haven't already done so) regarding the changes in ordering and with the provider. Parents will need to sign up, set up a profile, order and pay on line.  One of the biggest changes is that Hot lunch (starting in January) will be every 2 weeks and not every week.  

Holy Childhood Boxes
Our annual Holy Childhood Advent Boxes went out a little late this year. These boxes are meant to be a way for students to contribute to helping children by making little sacrifices of their own. Due to the late start, we will collect those boxes in the first week back to school after Christmas break.

Pajama Day/Movie Afternoon
On Wednesday, students are encouraged to wear their pajamas to school and enjoy a movie, in the gym, with the whole school.

There will be a popcorn and hot chocolate sale at first recess. Please send your child's money for popcorn and/or hot chocolate in a labelled ziplock bag in their blue homework folder. 

Note: There will be no hot lunch on that day. 

Advent Retreat
On Thursday, our students will be participating in an Advent retreat among the primary grades. Similar to the stations for 50's day, they will placed in groups and change classrooms every 10 minutes. They will participate in making a craft, watch a video, listen to a story, prayer and Bible reflection. It will be a great reminder for the students to keep Jesus in their hearts during the Christmas season. 

Last Day of School
Our last of day of classes before Christmas break is Friday, December 20th. Please join us for Mass at 9:00 am. We will be having a noon dismissal on this day.

No Letter of the Week & No Star of the Week
We will resume with the letter Nn and Star of the Week on the week of January 6th

CCS Shopping Card Challenge
The Knights of Columbus are selling gift cards. Rather than going to two places, you can now pick up your child and get a gift card at the same time
(If doing so, please tell Miss Easterbrook and she can get the gift card for you). You can also stop by after every Sunday Mass and buy some then. It is a great opportunity to buy a gift card for someone for a birthday, special occasion or even Christmas.  The proceeds from this will go to the Church's building fund. Our challenge is to try to sell the most gift cards so our class can win a pizza party.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Second week of Advent

Saint Nicholas
On Friday, we celebrated the Feast of St. Nicholas and we talked about the connection between Santa Claus and St. Nicholas.  We also put one shoe in our hallway after recess-an annual CCS tradition-to did not see Saint Nicholas when he put a special treat in our shoes. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children so was a wonderful day to celebrate him and the joy of children.

Last week was the last week for students to take out books before the Christmas holidays. All library books are due tomorrow.

Christmas Concert
There will be two shows, 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm, on Tuesday, December 17th. Our students will be on the risers on the right side of the stage so I would find seating on the far right side when you walk into the gym. Our class will be angels so please wear white or light-coloured clothing on that day. Admission to the concert is by food bank donation.

Letter of the Week: Mm
Please help your child collect any words or pictures that start with Mm-keep them in a ziplock and put in their blue folder.

Show and Tell 
Reminder that Tuesday, Dec 10th is our next show and tell day. December them is a family fun (special family trips, activities, games, traditions, etc). Your child may bring in a picture or a brochure from a special trip or a favourite game. 

Vision and Hearing Check
Fraser Health came in on Thursday to do their annual vision and hearing check of our Kindergarten students. Unfortunately, the vision machine stopped working so the nurses will return on Tuesday to finish the rest of the vision checks. If there are any concerns about your child's vision and/or hearing, they will contact you directly. 

Each year, our Christian Servers will sell candycanes for $0.50 and then the students can send them to anyone they want to in the school. Students often buy candygrams for classmates, buddies or sibling and they are sold every day at lunch until Dec 18th. Candygrams are delivered to students on the last day of school. If you would like your child to buy candygrams, write the names of the students who they would like to a candygram to and attach it with their money and I will help them fill our their candygram note. All money raised helps to go support our school's sponsor child in South America.

Parent Fundraising Group (PFG) Meeting
There is a meeting tomorrow at 7:00 pm in the Cenacle room at the Parish Centre. 

Parent hours
If you are looking for things to be sent home for parent hours, please send me a note. I am looking for a few parents to make play dough (various colours) during the Christmas holidays. 

Items Needed for crafts
-empty baby food jars and lids  
-metal juice lids (from frozen juice mixes)