Saturday 26 November 2011

French 7

This week we continue to learn about Quebec culture and a few students tried to play the 'spoons' along with a traditional French folk song 'La Bastringue.' If you want to try this at home, grab 2 equally sized spoons, turn them so that the inside of the spoons are facing each other (similar to castanets) and then hit them on your leg-along with a beat!

The best part about learning about Quebec culture was the food sampling of various Quebec foods. Students tried: croissants, Oka cheese (made by Trappist monks in Oka, Quebec), Camembert cheese, maple caramels, baguette, baked beans with maple syrup, meat tourtiere and maple cookies! They also tried a 'mystery' soup, in which they had to figure out the ingredients of this famous French-Canadian soup...and the winner was Raquel who guessed 4 out of the 6 ingredients of the Split Pea Soup. Bravo!

Next week, the students will work (in groups) on a brochure/poster project that highlights different areas of Quebec culture that they have learned and will present this to the class.

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