Thank you parents for coming to our appreciation tea and staying to watch all of our talented students of CCS. Our class really enjoyed watching John Michael perform his Taekwondo routine with board breaking as well as Veronica and her brother's piano duet! Students were surprised by the teachers performance 'Banana phone' by Raffi. Here's a link to the catchy song:
9:30 am Fun Day assembly
10:00 am Band concert
11:00 am Step Up
Last Show and Tell 'Favourite toy'
Fun Day: students dress in 'Treasure Island' costume (no weapons please), hot lunch, dismissal at 12 noon
9:00 am Mass Feast of Corpus Christi
No School - Feast Day holiday
-I am a Gift from God booklets can now stay home: students are now finished lessons with Mrs. Lemire
Mon, June 23
Please send your child with 1 recycled shopping bag as I will be sending their books, artwork, extra clothes and gym clothes home on this day.
***Update on June 24th: Kindergarten Year End Celebration***
We now have all of the food and items we need to make our year end celebration a memorable one. Thanks for everyone who volunteered to bring food in!
Last Day of School - June 25th
9:00 am Mass
10:45 - 12:00 Year end Assembly
12:00 Dismissal