PRECIOUS BLOOD PARISH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC: join us on Thurs. June 5, 2014 at Hazelmere Golf & Country Club. This fundraising event supports the NEW CLASSROOM PROJECT at Cloverdale Catholic School. Registration is $125 per person & includes a Steak BBQ & lots of fun. Or join us for dinner for $45. Please see Brenda in the Parish Office to register.
VOLUNTEERS & SPONSORS Needed. Please contact Tim Benko 604-230-0626 or Brian Snow 604-290-7537 if you can help.
Cloverdale Catholic School Shopping Card Challenge
What if you could shop, win an ice cream, and expand the school, all at the same time?The CCS Parent Fundraising Group in partnership with the Knights of Columbus would like to announce the following contest where you can:
How does the contest work?
Starting the weekend of May 3/4 through the weekend of June 7/8 each school family can fill out a form when they purchase shopping cards. The forms will be used to record spending in the Knights of Columbus Shopping Card Program by class. The top TWO classes with the highest dollar amount purchased through the Shopping Card program will earn an ice cream sundae party towards the end of June.
What do I need to do?
Stop by the Knights of Columbus Shopping Card table after mass each Sunday and purchase shopping cards for your family groceries, gas, birthday presents, and other expenses. Fill out the contest slip indicating which classes your children are in and submit the slip along with your cheque or cash for the shopping cards.
What payment is accepted?
Cash or cheque. Credit cards cost too much to process and eat up much of the profit of the program.
Why support this program?
This program has the potential to raise large amounts of money for Precious Blood Parish and our school expansion. This is one fundraiser where you are not being asked for “extra” funds or a “donation”. By simply spending what you already spend in your daily life you can help raise funds for the parish.
What if I have a large order?
If you would like to order a large quantity of shopping cards please contact Earl Coatta at or

What if I don’t attend mass at Precious Blood?
Please contact Earl Coatta at or

A list of the stores available (including denominations) can be viewed on the PFG blog at
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