Ecoute bien! Listen up! All of the French students have been learning Thanksgiving vocabulary and are eager to share it with you this weekend during your Thanksgiving lunch/dinner.
le dindon - turkey le petit pain - small bun
le canneberge - cranberries le mais - corn
le citrouille - pumpkin le corne d'abondance - cornacopia
l'igname - sweet potato le chapeau - hat
Also, each student made a Thanksgiving craft 'Je suis reconnaissant(e) de...' which means 'I am thankful for...' which is posted on their classroom bulletin board.
Je suis reconnaissant(e) de... *ma famille = my family
*mes amis = my friends
*mon ecole = my school
*mon diner = my dinner
*ma vie = my life
*ma sante = my health
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