Monday, 19 November 2012

Grade 7 French

Students are learning to identify snack foods and express their preferences. They will listen to an interview with a nutritionist and classify snacks according to their nutritional value.  Also, they will look at the Canada Food Guide and examine different food groups.

Grade 6 French

 Students are learning to say their birthday in French as well as finding out birthdays of some Famous Canadians. Unfortunately, many of them did not recognized the following Canadians:

1) David Suzuki (no, he isn't the founder of Suzuki cars)

2) Susan Aglukark, a famous Aboriginal Canadian singer and songwriter

3) Celine Dion (Titanic anyone?)

4) Roberta Bondar- the first female Canadian astronaut

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Grade 5 French

Grade 5 students are learning about the story 'Le Chandail/The Hockey Sweater by Roch Carrier and its importance to Canadian history. Check out the $5 bill! We watched the short 10 minutes video which is found on the National Film Board's website.