-Tuesday: Constable Minhas (Sahil's dad) spoke with both K classes about his job as a Langley Police Officer. They students enjoyed seeing the police car, sitting in the front and back seats and even heard the sirens a couple of times. Thank you Constable Minhas for an exciting presentation!
-Celery tasting: many students tried a piece of celery but a few of them said it would taste better with some ranch dressing :)
-Holy Thursday: In the morning, we watched the Gr 7's act out the Stations of the Cross in the gym and our students had many questions afterwards about Jesus' journey before he died. In the afternoon, they learned about the Seder Meal, created a craft in Mrs. Lemire's classroom, listened to an Easter story and ate a small piece of bread after discussing the importance of the Last Supper.
Check your child's folder for the following
*April newsletter (re: cancellation of hot lunches for the rest of the school year)
*Traffic pattern map (before and after school): please make sure grandparents/daycare/guardians have this information as well
*Healthy Eating certificate
*I am a Gift from God parent letter from Mr. Borkowski (this program will begin next week)
Please check the school website under Announcements...your input is needed!
1. CCS Code of Conduct draft
2. Two week spring break survey
Reminders - no school Mon, April 21st
Tuesday - show and tell, letter of the week Zz, bring back your child's water bottle to keep in class

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