Last Thursday, one of our students exclaimed that 'This is the best field trip ever!' as the bus arrived on the grounds of the Surrey's Children's Festival and he saw all of the activity tents. A big thank you to all of the parent supervisors: Mrs. Savidant, Mrs. Gladwell, Mrs. Pregil, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Tamis and Mrs. Baptista! In the morning, students enjoyed the face painting, clay arts, storytelling tent with the Purple Pirate, mehndi art, sidewalk chalk art and visiting inside a police car. The highlight was the Will Stroet show and it quite delightful to see all of our students out of their seats, singing and dancing to his music. Austin and Riley were even chosen by Will to come up to the stage and dance in front of the audience - great job boys!
Congratulations to Mrs. Saharchuk and her husband who welcomed their son Finnean Gerard Saharchuk on Friday, May 16th!
Coming up this week
Monday: gym
Tuesday: library, show and tell
Wednesday: gym, I am a Gift from God lesson (Mrs. Lemire)
Friday: gym, I am a Gift from God lesson (Mrs. Lemire), June calendar will be sent home
***I'm looking for 1-2 parents who would be willing to make peanut-free cupcakes for a special afternoon with our buddies (from Sister Mary Bethany's class). This will be happening in the first week of June. If you are able to help out, please let me you by email.***
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