Friday, 20 June 2014


  • PE: bring gym strip
  • send your child with a recyclable shopping bag because I will be sending home their gym shoes and other workbooks
Tuesday: Classroom Celebration
  • Students can wear their gym strip to school with their swim suit underneath
  • Make sure they have a towel, change of underwear, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses
  • No Show and Tell
  • If you volunteered to bring something in, please send it with your child in the morning. If you are bringing in pizza, please drop it at the office by 12:15pm
Wednesday: Last Day
  • 9:00 Mass
  • 10:45 End of year assembly
  • 12:00 Dismissal

Message to KO parents

With only 2 1/2 days left of school, I wanted to say it has been a sincere honour to work with all of your children.  I have felt deeply privileged to support them during this school year, to encourage their academic growth, and witness their development over the course of this year.  They have grown as a community together, learning to care for one another and work collaboratively. I thank you for sharing your children with me, entrusting me with their learning this year, and supporting the classroom in many ways.

I discussed with the children yesterday that they are closing a chapter of their education, as they end their very first year in school.  There will be new challenges and opportunities awaiting them in Grade 1 and I believe they are ready for these.  Like them, I will be taking on new challenges and opportunities in September as I will be in charge of the Learning Assistance department at CCS.  I am excited about the chance to support all of our classroom teachers and students whom they teach.

Once again, thank you for sharing your children with me and for your strong support of learning,

Geraldine Olaybal 


Celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi


Happy feast day to all of you!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Share your passion...

Hello CCS Parents,

Passion. Curiosity. Enthusiasm. We all want our kids to be eager and life-long learners. Do you have a passion, a hobby you would love to share with my Grade 5/6 students next year? Maybe you cook, bake, quilt, scrapbook; love geocaching, archery, working on small motors, pottery; do woodworking, needlepoint, scale modeling or carpentry. Let’s talk about the possibilities of sharing your passion with the next generation – I am looking for parents who feel called to share their enthusiasm with my class and give them experiences of the richness of life. If you’re interested email me at for more information about my vision for next year.

Mr. Walters
Grade 5/6 Teacher

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Thank you parents!

Thank you parents for coming to our appreciation tea and staying to watch all of our talented students of CCS. Our class really enjoyed watching John Michael perform his Taekwondo routine with board breaking as well as Veronica and her brother's piano duet! Students were surprised by the teachers performance 'Banana phone' by Raffi. Here's a link to the catchy song:

9:30 am Fun Day assembly
10:00 am Band concert
11:00 am Step Up

Last Show and Tell 'Favourite toy'

Fun Day: students dress in 'Treasure Island' costume (no weapons please), hot lunch, dismissal at 12 noon

9:00 am Mass Feast of Corpus Christi

No School - Feast Day holiday

-I am a Gift from God booklets can now stay home: students are now finished lessons with Mrs. Lemire

Mon, June 23
Please send your child with 1 recycled shopping bag as I will be sending their books, artwork, extra clothes and gym clothes home on this day.

***Update on June 24th: Kindergarten Year End Celebration***
We now have all of the food and items  we need to make our year end celebration a memorable one. Thanks for everyone who volunteered to bring food in!

Last Day of School - June 25th 
9:00 am Mass
10:45 - 12:00 Year end Assembly
12:00 Dismissal

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Kindergarten Celebration update

Schedule for June 24th
Summer crafts
Water games
Pizza lunch
Soccer game

If you are able to send in the following items, please let me know.
-freezies (must be peanut & tree nut FREE)
-paper plates

Thank you for those who have volunteered to bring the following in...
Markowsky-Qadir: pepperoni pizza
Minhas: cheese pizza
Hicks: small fruit platter & apple juice boxes
Baptista: summer birthday cake
Savidant: juice boxes
Coopman: small veggie platter
Taylor, Mittoni, Liem: potato chips 
Gladwell, Pregil : popcorn

Do you still need hours?

Parent volunteers are needed to set up and run the games for Fun Day 'Treasure Island' on Wed, June 18th. If you are able to volunteer, please email Miss Da Cruz ( or Mrs. Finch ( by Friday, June 13th. 

Schedule for Fun Day
9:00 Opening and cheer competition
9:30 Stations start
11:30 Tug of War and winners announced
11:45 Lunch in classroom
12:00 Dismissal from classroom

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Buddy Afternoon & rest of the week

We had a great afternoon with our Gr 5/6 buddies -first eating lunch together in our classroom with additional treats like cupcakes, freezies, popcorn, donuts, chips and juice! Then we went outside for a scavenger hunt, designed by our buddies, and even played a soccer game (boys vs girls!). Our buddies surprised us with a graduation ceremony (hats and diplomas included!) on the playground and even a goodie bag to end our time together. We sang 'Full of Beans' by Will Stroet that included all of our buddy names within the song. THANK YOU BUDDIES - WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK!

Reminder that the Talent Show rehearsal is tomorrow - please bring all of your props/costumes that you need.

Friday is the Parent Appreciation Tea - please come if you are available as it is our time to thank you for all of your time and support throughout this past year. Stay for the exciting Talent Show (11am start) - a yearly tradition at CCS!

**Check your child's folder for a small piece of paper indicating what colour team and number your child is in for Fun Day** Fun Day theme is 'Treasure Island' and students are asked to come dressed in costume (NO WEAPONS). Reminder that Fun Day dismissal is at 12 noon from our classroom. 

Monday, 9 June 2014

Tuesday - New Principals

Tomorrow, we welcome Ally & Emily Bowring-Reimer as our "Principals for the Day." Reminders about this exciting day:

-non uniform day (wear red in honour of the RCMP)
-$1 charity Freezie sale
-extended recess and "teacher vs students" soccer game
-during lunch, school wide Bingo game with prizes

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Fun Day Hot Lunch Orders & Talent Show Rehearsal


*Yesterday, each student received a Fun Day Hot Lunch (Goode Eats) order form and they are due THIS Friday, June 6th. Please return the completed form with $ in your child's blue folder.

*Talent Show rehearsal date has changed from Thursday, June 12th to Wednesday, June 11th. If your child is in the upcoming Talent Show, please make a note of this date. More information will come soon about time and location (from Mrs. Lemire & Mrs. Lewis).

*This Friday is our last Food Bank Mass - please give generously

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Celebration of Summer Birthdays

During our year end celebration on June 24th, we will be celebrating students who have a summer birthday. I am looking for a parent who is willing to bake a nut-free (as well as gluten free) birthday cake decorated with a summer theme. Let me know if you are able to help out with this.

New Classroom Project - Ways to Support CCS

PRECIOUS BLOOD PARISH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC: join us on Thurs. June 5, 2014 at Hazelmere Golf & Country Club. This fundraising event supports the NEW CLASSROOM PROJECT at Cloverdale Catholic School. Registration is $125 per person & includes a Steak BBQ & lots of fun. Or join us for dinner for $45. Please see Brenda in the Parish Office to register.

VOLUNTEERS & SPONSORS Needed. Please contact Tim Benko 604-230-0626 or Brian Snow 604-290-7537 if you can help.
Cloverdale Catholic School Shopping Card Challenge
What if you could shop, win an ice cream, and expand the school, all at the same time?
The CCS Parent Fundraising Group in partnership with the Knights of Columbus would like to announce the following contest where you can:


How does the contest work?
Starting the weekend of May 3/4 through the weekend of June 7/8 each school family can fill out a form when they purchase shopping cards. The forms will be used to record spending in the Knights of Columbus Shopping Card Program by class. The top TWO classes with the highest dollar amount purchased through the Shopping Card program will earn an ice cream sundae party towards the end of June.

What do I need to do?
Stop by the Knights of Columbus Shopping Card table after mass each Sunday and purchase shopping cards for your family groceries, gas, birthday presents, and other expenses. Fill out the contest slip indicating which classes your children are in and submit the slip along with your cheque or cash for the shopping cards.

What payment is accepted?
Cash or cheque. Credit cards cost too much to process and eat up much of the profit of the program.

Why support this program?
This program has the potential to raise large amounts of money for Precious Blood Parish and our school expansion. This is one fundraiser where you are not being asked for “extra” funds or a “donation”. By simply spending what you already spend in your daily life you can help raise funds for the parish.

What if I have a large order?
If you would like to order a large quantity of shopping cards please contact Earl Coatta at or 604-576-6306 and make arrangements.

What if I don’t attend mass at Precious Blood?
Please contact Earl Coatta at or 604-576-6306 to make other arrangements.
A list of the stores available (including denominations) can be viewed on the PFG blog at