Monday - Ice Skating at 1245 - 115pm (Sorry, there was a miscommunication last time but we are only skating for 30 minutes). Please send your child's skating clothes (snow pants, gloves, toque, skates & helmet) in a labelled bag. If you are able to walk with us, please come to the classroom by 12 noon.
Is anyone able to drive our equipment over? It reduces the walking time if we don't have anything in our hands (also, no umbrellas for the students please!). Please email me if you are able - I would need that person to come at 11:45 am.
Extra food in lunch today: when we return back from skating, I will allow students to have another snack so please send in extra food and an extra drink
Tuesday - Primary Speech Arts Festival (Columbus Room, Parish Centre): We are scheduled to perform our choral poem at approx between 945 - 1030am after the Bible readers. Individual poem readings will happen at 10:45 am for Kayla and Kristian but I was informed that our class will not be able to stay and listen to their performance (due to lack of space). Parents/grandparents are still welcome!
-Show and Tell 'Mystery Bag' theme
-Primary Sports Club members: I received a notice that the Primary Sports Club will be having a pizza lunch for all members at lunch and they will be setting up in the hallway outside our classroom. Students who participated in the Sports Club will receive a slice of pizza, chips and juice.
Wednesday - Grade 1 Lent Assembly 1:30 pm
Friday - Term 2 Report Cards
-Last day of school before Spring Break (back to school March 24th)
Other information:
-Each student has created a Lenten garden and they need rocks and twigs to complete it. For Monday, please bring in a (sandwich) ziplock bag of rocks (6 - 8 small rocks) and one larger rock (smaller than a child's hand). Also, if they can bring 4 -5 twigs to create the cross of Jesus.

-Parent help over Spring Break: if you are able to help prepare materials (mainly cutting) for our class, please let me know and I'll send the supplies home on Friday with your child.
Also, I am looking for 2 -3 parents who are able to make play dough of various colours (black, purple, red, blue, green, pink)
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