Thank you for all the parents and grandparents who came and watched the individual poems and class poem on Friday afternoon. Ms Kools was so impressed by our students class poem 'Alligator Pie' as well as those students who memorized a poem and presented it with confidence. I would like to congratulate Kayla and Kristian who will continue onto the Local Primary Speech Arts on Tuesday, March 11th for their individual poems!
Anti-bully Day
Last Wednesday, students participated in Anti-Bully Stations with the other primary classes. They made their own Anti-bully t-shirts, listened to a story on how to be a great friend, ate a treat called Ants on a Log, watched The Ant Bully Movie and even learned a fun Anti-Bully Day dance. In our class, we discussed what being a good friend means and strategies to help a situation when we disagree with our friends.
This week we will be learning about the important season of Lent and why we celebrate it before Easter. On Shrove Tuesday, our students will enjoy pancakes made by the Knights of Columbus. Before we go to Mass on Ash Wednesday, students will learn about the symbol of the ashes and how it shows our willingness to change and be born to new life.Each day throughout Lent, we will ask each student to choose a promise from our Lenten Promise jar which will ask them to do something special or give something up for the day.
For Parents
A Lenten Video Reflection can be found here
*Why do we have the season of Lent?
*Why is Lent 40 days?
*Why do start Lent by wearing ashes?
*Why do we practice prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent?
*Why do we give up things during Lent?
*Why is purple the colour of Lent?
*Why do we pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent?
Healthy Bodies & Healthy Eating Unit

We will be learning about the four Food Groups as well as learning about different ways to keep our bodies healthy. Please send in any grocery flyers you may have at home - we need them by the end of the week.
Other reminders this week:
Monday - gym with Mrs. Olaybal (Mr. Klaponski is away ice skating with other grades)
- letter of the week Uu
- letter of the week Uu
Tuesday- Show and Tell for all students
March Theme 'Guess what's in the mystery bag?' (Your child brings in a mystery item in a paper bag. Ask. him/her to make up 2 or 3 clues for the item and we will try to guess what it is. Please write down the clues for me to read in case your child forgets what to say.
Wednesday- Ash Wednesday
Thursday - Ice Skating
If your child has their own helmet & skates, please make sure they are clearly labelled. We are leaving the school promptly at 10 am so parent/grandparents volunteers please meet in our classroom at 9:55am. We will be walking with the other Kindergarten class and their Grade 5 buddies as well as our own buddies from Grade 5/6.
Friday - Food Bank Mass
Parents, please make sure your child has a warm coat, boots, toque and or
gloves - whatever they need to keep warm outside. As with all articles
of clothing, please make sure each item is clearly labelled with their
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